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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cool Stuff From Maker Faire: Paper Roller Coasters

I saw Paper Roller Coasters at Maker Faire.  I always like kits that let you take regular materials and turn them into something fun and creative.  These kits use tape, paper, and scissors to make rather impressive roller coasters.

 Check out this video of a 16 foot tall free standing paper roller coaster in action.

I ordered a set  from the website.  I  look forward to seeing what my kids can come up with!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it's cool, besides the creative process, it's also fun! I'm wanna spare a little more time for paper roller and play with my little bro if I order essays from the writers, then there is a high probability that my weekend will be absolutely free from home task, in order to finally fall into the childhood)
